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Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog

Why Do People Love Ductless Mini Splits?

Summer has a way of making you reconsider things. There’s nothing to make you face reality faster than the baking heat of the summer sun coupled with an underperforming air conditioner. If a circumstance like this has put you back on the market for a cooling system, then we’re here to make sure that you consider all your options and choose the best one. 

If you’re shopping around, then we’re sure you’ve heard of ductless mini splits in Butler County, PA. If you’ve been faithful to the central air conditioner for years, then what you might be surprised to find is that ductless systems are such a popular option. This then poses the question, “Why?” We’re responsible and informed professionals, and we’re here to let you know. Let’s get into it today.

Why Ductless Mini Splits Are Popular

There are many things that homeowners love about ductless mini splits. Here are a few of the best benefits.


What’s better than getting comfort right where you need it? While central air conditioners are both familiar and reliable, they can always give you the fine-tuned comfort you’re looking for. If you have a room that always feels 10 degrees hotter than the rest, then having an air handler (the wall-mounted unit ductless mini splits use to both heat and cool) right in this room will benefit you.

Energy Efficiency

Ductless mini splits use heat pump technology and heat pumps are one of the most energy-efficient HVAC models on the market. This is because they absorb heat from the inside air and move it outside. This is less energy-intensive than other methods of cooing. 

Cost Savings

Who wouldn’t want to save money throughout the year? Since a ductless mini split is a heat pump, you can count on it to optimize your efficiency and save you money during the process. This is because heat pump systems use technology that moves heat where you want it rather than generating it through traditional means. This adds up over the course of a year.

Year-Round Comfort

Ductless mini splits use heat pump technology. This means that they can both heat and cool from the same unit. This is perfect for getting maximum comfort in all your rooms throughout the year because, unfortunately, the rooms that tend to bake during the summer months are also the ones that tend to run cool during the winter months. Having a wall-mounted unit that can keep your space balanced is priceless. 

Ease of Installation

One of the best benefits of a ductless mini split system is the ease of installation. These are one of the fastest systems for a professional to install. It’s also one of the least invasive. If you don’t want to undergo extensive construction to have a comfort system in your home, then we’d recommend this unit. All you need is a small hole in one of your outer walls to connect the outer mechanism to the inner cooling components. Our professionals will make this easy for you.

Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. for your air conditioning needs in Butler County, PA. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home. 

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