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Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog

4 Reasons to Go Ductless

It’s officially summer here in Pennsylvania! You’re probably already planning barbecues, stocking up on SPF, and pulling out all your summer clothes after a long winter. But have you checked in on your air conditioning?

This is the time of year where your air conditioner becomes a vital part of your everyday life. If you’ve struggled with your current air conditioner in the past then it’s time for you to consider other cooling options. If you’re looking for great air conditioning in Mars, PA, make sure you consider ductless cooling. Ductless systems are great for a variety of reasons. We’ll go through a few of the most compelling reasons below.

Why You Should Go Ductless

Here are a few reasons why you should go ductless this summer. Ductless systems are …

1. Easy to Install

The best time to install a new air conditioning system in your home is during spring. We’re steadily coasting into summer now, so it’s not the most ideal time to install a new system. Ductless cooling systems are an exception though because they’re so easy to install. Ductless HVAC systems are much smaller than regular cooling systems. They’re small, only require a three-inch hole in your wall for the conduit, and can be installed in no time.

2. Highly Energy Efficient

Ductless cooling systems are incredibly energy efficient. The problem with central air conditioners is that they overcompensate. If you’re in your bedroom and you want to cool off, you have to turn on your air conditioner and cool your entire home. When you have a ductless HVAC system you can cool your bedroom independent from all the other rooms in your home. This means that you’ll operate your HVAC system using less power and save yourself a lot of money.

3. Extremely Versatile

We mentioned the fact that you can cool the places you need rather than the places that you have to with a ductless mini split system. This is true, but ductless systems are versatile in another way too. Ductless cooling systems are heat pumps. This means that these systems can both heat and cool from the same unit. When you have a ductless system you can depend on one unit throughout the entire year.  

4. Able to Cool Evenly

Almost every home struggles with hot and cold spots to a certain degree. This happens because there are a lot of indirect heat sources in your home. Your home heats up naturally from sunlight coming in through windows and doors, large home appliances, and the structure of your home.

If you have a two-story home then you know that it can be a little extra difficult to cool off your home in summer. Heat rises so the second story of your home can become extra hot during the hottest summer days.

If you want to have an energy efficient, versatile, effective cooling system then contact our team to learn more about ductless cooling. We can help you determine if this unit is right for you and we’ll provide all the right services for this unit.  

Ready to go ductless this summer? Contact our team at Kennihan Plumbing & Heating today to schedule an appointment.

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