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Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog

How Maintenance Helps You

Is spring cleaning on your to-do list for the next month? We don’t mean to give you more work, but you should make sure that maintenance is another line item you have on your list.

Maintenance is an essential task. It’s the easiest way to improve your home’s heating and cooling. A lot of homeowners don’t understand the necessity of maintenance: for them, it can seem like they’re paying for service when there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the AC. This isn’t the case. When you schedule maintenance, you’re preparing yourself for what’s to come. You can trust us on this because we specialize in HVAC service and maintenance in Butler County, PA. We’ll get into the details below…

The Benefits of Maintenance

Here are the benefits of maintenance for your home:

1. Longer System Service

When you buy an air conditioner, you’re expecting it to last for the full 10–15 year lifespan. The trouble with this is that your air conditioner isn’t going to last without proper care. Proper care largely stems from maintenance.

Maintenance is an opportunity for our professionals to lubricate all your HVAC system’s moving parts, fix any budding issues, and get the system aligned for the year. We’re here to help you with keeping your system in amazing shape.

2. High Quality HVAC Output

Have you ever noticed that your air conditioner seems like it’s trickling out conditioned air? This is never a good sign. You should be getting a strong, steady stream of HVAC service. High-quality HVAC output is something that can easily be part of your future with our maintenance services.

High-quality HVAC output also keeps your home safe. You decrease your chances of running into a large, unexpected HVAC problem. We’re prepared to help you with the work that will help ensure smooth operation.

3. Better IAQ

Let’s talk about your indoor air quality now. If you notice that your indoor air quality has already decreased this season, then it’s time for you to schedule a maintenance appointment. Maintenance for your air conditioner affects the home’s IAQ as well. Poor air conditioning service can create humid air, mold, mildew, or even dry air, scratchy skin, and cracking paint.

4. Energy Savings

Maintenance is like your air conditioner limbering up, hydrating, and getting a pep talk before the big game. Preparing means that you’re able to perform to the best of your ability. The same goes for your energy savings. If you’d like to improve your home’s energy savings, this is the number one thing you can prioritize this season. Cleaning up your home systems pays off!

5. Lowered Cost

Saving on energy also means that you’re saving on costs. When you have the best energy efficiency possible for your HVAC system, you’re not going to have to shell out as much cash per month. This is because an efficient system runs better and costs you much less. Lowered cost is something that you can achieve with our team members. We’re more than ready to help.

Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our team members.

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