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Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog

The Top 3 Reasons to Switch to a Smart Thermostat


Spring in Butler County means that the cold temperatures of winter are finally starting to warm up. The warm weather and sunlight lingering later and later into the evening is a great backdrop for you to take inventory of your life—get rid of the things that no longer serve your home and make room for new ones.

You’ve probably already started a bit of spring cleaning, but we want to bring your attention to a part of the home that’s often neglected—the thermostat. A thermostat upgrade is a great way to boost the overall quality of your home. If you need a little help deciding how to go about it, make sure you contact our team to learn more about smart thermostats in Butler County, PA.

The Importance of a Thermostat

Your thermostat does two things: it monitors the temperature of your home and it sets the process of cooling or heating your home in motion.

This probably doesn’t seem incredibly important in the grand scheme of things. If someone was to ask you, “What do you think is the most important part of your air conditioning system?” You might respond with some component housed in the outdoor unit. Thermostats are incredibly important though. We like to liken the air conditioning system to the human body to really illustrate its importance—the thermostat acts as the brain. Your brain signals you to pick up a glass of water and drink it or scratch your leg when it itches. Without the brain, nothing else is set into motion. It’s the same way with your thermostat.

3 Key Reasons to Go “Smart”

You probably read all that above and thought, “Great! But why should I switch?” Here are a few great reasons to upgrade:

#1. You’ll Save Energy

Smart thermostats will help you get the most from your air conditioner this summer. Smart thermostats learn how you like to heat or cool your home and after a few weeks, they can start making automatic adjustments throughout the day based on your past habits. 

#2. You Can Access it from Anywhere

One of the best features of a smart thermostat is the remote Wi-Fi capability. When you have a smart thermostat you can change the temperature of your home from any smart device with access to Wi-Fi. This means that you never have to come home to a hot house on a summer day again! You can start cooling your home before you even step through the door.

#3. You’ll Understand Your Thermostat

Understanding leads to better practices. Just because you’re satisfied with your thermostat doesn’t mean that you’re getting the most from this unit. Most smart thermostats on the market give you monthly reports that underscore your heating or cooling habits and even highlight opportunities for you to save energy when you heat or cool your home.

A smart thermostat is a great investment for your home. If you’re ready to upgrade your home here in Butler County, PA then make sure that you contact our technicians at Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. We Treat Your Home Like It’s Our Grandma’s Home.

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