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24/7 Emergency Service Available


Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog

Dealing with Emergency HVAC Repairs: Tips for Staying Calm and Cool

The last thing you want in the heat of summer is for your HVAC system to break down without warning. Unfortunately, it happens every day in our community and our team receives those calls for emergency service. In fact, we have some tips to share with you for what to do when your HVAC system breaks down.

You can always give us a call for HVAC repair in Butler, even when it is an emergency. Our team is here to help, day or night, weekdays or weekends, and even on holidays. You can keep reading to learn more about the steps you need to take when your HVAC system stops working when you need it most.

What to do in an HVAC Emergency

First, let’s talk about what you need to do when you realize your HVAC system broke down. We know that this can send you into panic mode, especially when temperatures are at their hottest. Let’s face it, an HVAC system breakdown is absolutely never convenient, and somehow a breakdown always happens at the most inconvenient time.

The first thing you need to do is take some deep breaths and try and calm down. If you’re not sure why your air conditioner broke down–and even if you are–we encourage you to turn off the circuit breaker leading to your air conditioner for safety reasons.

Since you don’t know what’s wrong, cutting the power to your air conditioner is an extra safety step you can take that may prevent more damage. If power continues running to your air conditioner, the problem could get worse.

And then it’s time to call our team and schedule service. If you notice anything unusual leading up to your air conditioner breaking down, please let us know what you noticed. Keep in mind that an emergency HVAC appointment may not be convenient for your usual schedule. You may have to move some things around to make the appointment work. 

Tips for Staying Cool

While you wait for your air conditioner to be fixed, you can do a few things to stay cool. Utilize any ceiling fans you have by turning them on to create airflow in your home. Doing this won’t lower your indoor air temperature, but it can make your home feel about 4 degrees cooler than it really is. If you don’t have ceiling fans, you can buy floor fans at a local hardware store. 

We also encourage you to open your windows and doors in the early morning and late evening hours when temperatures are lower. This can help to move some fresh air into your home so that the air does not feel as stale. You may even want to invest in a small, portable air conditioner for the short term. It won’t keep your entire home cool, but if you move it from room to room as you move around your house, it can keep you cool wherever you are.

Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home.

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