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Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog

Energy Saving Electricity Tips

We’ve all had those times when we come to that moment of truth after a long month of running our air conditioner during a heat wave, keeping extra lights on, and running fans. Your energy bill comes in the mail and it’s astronomical. You don’t know what to do… but you understand how you got here, and you wish you could have done things a differently. Do you know how to make a real difference in your home?

You’re going to need to start with the tips that we’ve wrangled together below. If you need a great electrician in Cranberry Township, PA, make sure that you schedule an appointment with our team members. We’re all professionals and we understand how to get the best work possible done. Just call today to learn more.

How to Save Money This Summer

Saving a little money on your electricity bill is probably much easier than you’d think. We want to make it as easy as possible for you and that’s why we’ve gathered the best energy saving tips below:

Know How to Use Your Thermostat

So let’s talk about your thermostat. Sometimes, when your home feels like an oven, you blindly run over to your thermostat and turn it down to a cold temperature just to get some relief. Although we know that this is a common habit and a bit of a survival tactic when your home feels really stuffy, we want you to take better care of your home. You should always set your thermostat to a reasonable temperature and wait. If you’re worried about having your home cool off fast, you’re going to need to consider upgrading.

Consider Upgrading Where Applicable

So let’s talk about upgrades since we touched on this topic above. If you’re in doubt, we’d suggest upgrading to a newer smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can come to anticipate your needs before you even touch a button and you can program them remotely. This means that your entire HVAC system is always at your fingertips as long as you have a smart phone. If you don’t want to jump all the way to a smart thermostat, we’d suggest adopting a Wi-Fi thermostat at a minimum. Call us to learn more about your options.

Seal Up Your Home

Do you have cracks, gaps, or other leaks in your home? It’s time to whip out the caulk and seal them up. Having a tightly sealed home ensures that you’re not losing out on any of your energy. Make sure that you get great work with the help of a professional.

Change Your Lightbulbs

This is a simple one, but it’s always a great idea to switch over to LED lightbulbs where possible. These bulbs are energy efficient and help you save. It’s also a great idea to rely on natural light more during this season since the daylight stretches so far into the evening.

We understand that each home is unique. If you need extra help, rely on our professional team.

Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our team. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home.

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