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Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog

These Are the Leading Reasons You May Need Heating Repair Now

The winter season is almost over, and if you’ve made it through with your heater working great, you’re probably feeling pretty confident about your heater. But whether your heater is working well or giving you cause for concern, you still need to invest in heating repair before the season is over.

Your heater has been working hard all winter long to keep your home warm and has likely had to undergo a lot of strain. When you have our team come out for a heater tune-up, we can address small repair needs now so that when the next winter season rolls around, you know that it is ready to go. Keep reading to learn more about why heating repair is so crucial even at this time of year.

Problems Will Worsen 

You may be tempted to turn your heater off for the next six months and hope for the best when it’s time to turn it back on. The problem with that is sometimes you don’t get the best results. Instead, your heater can get worse over time, even without use.

For example, if your heater needs lubrication, connections will only dry out more as your heater sits unused. If you invest in a heater tune-up before winter is over, our team can lubricate gears and address other issues. It’s the best way to make sure that your heater is in excellent working condition so that it can rest easy all summer and be ready to work again later in the year.

Prevent Surprise Breakdowns

Without heater maintenance, there’s a good chance that your heater may break down at some point next season. This can happen even if your heater is not particularly old. It’s completely normal for parts to wear down and either need to be tightened or replaced.

When you keep up with maintenance, it lessens the chance of a major repair. But when you skip out on repairing small problems, they become big problems later on. A worn-out belt can be easily replaced now but if it snaps next winter and damages another component inside your heater, you’re going to be faced with a much higher repair bill. Plus your heater won’t work until you get it fixed ASAP. 

Energy Efficiency

If you’re happy with your heater’s energy efficiency, a tune-up is a great way to maintain that efficiency. Over time, it is completely normal for your heater to lose some of its energy efficiency. That doesn’t mean you have to accept that as a given.

Skipping out on a tune-up this year could mean that next year’s energy costs are higher. While that may not matter to you now, next winter it could be a big problem if you suddenly have a much higher heating bill. And it will also matter for years to come as energy efficiency continues to dwindle down and your energy bills get higher each year.

Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home.

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