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24/7 Emergency Service Available


Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog

You Should Call an Electrician for These 5 Issues

It can be all too frustrating to have trouble with your home’s electrical system. It becomes even more troublesome when you can’t determine if the problem you’re having is worthy of an urgent call to a professional. As professionals, we understand the burden is on us as the experts to inform you about electrical issues. We want to clear up any confusion you might encounter today. 

If you’re looking for an electrician in Gibsonia, PA, then we recommend turning to our team members. We’re known for quality care. Our motto is “we treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home” because of our reputation for thorough work and friendly technicians. You can always count on us to deliver. 

These Issues Deserve Concern

Here are the issues you should get up and call an electrician for:

Your Circuit Breaker Trips Often

You plug in one extra appliance and *bam* the power goes out. If you’re not running many appliances when your system goes out, then it means that your electrical capacity doesn’t match your electrical needs. This isn’t something that you have to settle for and we try to remind homeowners of this fact as often as possible. If you need better electrical capacity, then it’s time to contact one of our professionals. We’ll run the right test to fix things. 

You Hear Buzzing

If you notice that your home is buzzing or you hear any humming sounds, it might actually be the sound of your electrical system struggling. You should always take the necessary precautions when assessing wiring and electricity in your home. 

Your Outlets Are Warm to the Touch

Are your outlets warm to the touch? This is a bad sign. It’s even worse if you encounter the occasional shock when plugging or unplugging appliances, notice blackening near outlets or on switchplates, or notice that any of the wire ends are fraying. We can figure out how to fix these issues to improve your home’s electrical power.

You’re Seeing Sparks

This isn’t just a reason to contact a professional, it’s also a reason to contact a professional urgently. Sparks flying is always something that denotes a significant electrical issue and it also poses a threat to your home. 

Your Lights Flicker

Flickering lights are always worth contacting a professional over. If you’ve already changed bulbs and tried to troubleshoot but the lights are still flickering, then it’s time to get a professional involved. You’re definitely struggling with an electrical issue and we can find the cause of it. 

Your Home Is 25 Years or Older

If your home is over the age of 25 years, then it’s time to consider electrical rewiring no matter what your electrical power is like. Living in a home that’s in this age range means that you’re more susceptible to electrical issues if your home hasn’t been previously rewired. Even if you think your electrical system is still fairing well, a check-in with your electrical system is never a bad idea. We’re ready to help you figure out your needs. 

Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment for your electrical services. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home. 

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